(or Anti Maskers Part 2)

I thought it only fair I address the religious opposition to masking having previously discussed the political side. So here goes…

I don’t know what the religious argument is for not wearing a mask. I considered googling it but why would I bother? I’m guessing it has something to do with the health of unborn babies and the masks being made by the demonic homosexuals.

So I will speak only regarding that which I know about Jesus, which I admit isn’t much.

Item 1: If you think Jesus will protect you, so you don’t need a mask, here’s a tip: Jesus is protecting you by having masks invented for you to wear. If Jesus protects your face, I’m certain He also protects your feet. Bet you’re not running around barefoot everywhere though, are you? Yeah, put on a mask.

Item 2: If you gave it to Jesus in prayer, and he responded to you that you shouldn’t wear a mask: that’s not Jesus. That’s your lazy ass looking for an excuse. Yeah, put on a mask.

Item 3: Jesus is kinda busy right now. In case you didn’t notice, there’s a hoax pandemic underway. He doesn’t have time to listen to you blaspheme about how your faith prevents you from doing the right thing. Remember that thing about using his name in vain? You’re doing that. Yeah, shut up and put on a mask.

I could go on, but again, why would I. Jesus doesn’t want heaven filled up with a bunch of idiots. Put on a mask. ‘Nuff said.


Pop quiz for anti maskers:

  1. Do you own a car? (If the answer is no, stand down for future posts. You’ve got bigger fish to fry than not wearing a mask.)
  2. Does your car have a license plate?
  3. Do you have a drivers license?
  4. Is your car insured?
  5. Is your car registered?
  6. Do you drive the speed limit?
  7. Does your car have brake lights?
  8. Do you use your car headlights when driving at night?
  9. Does your car have rear and side mirrors?
  10. Do you wear a seat belt?

If you answered Yes to any of the above, congratulations; you are already allowing the government to dictate your actions. So kindly put on a mask and STFU. Don’t make me come back here and talk about taxes.